Patient Advisory Group Mission

The Patient Advisory Group (PAG) is all about our patients and improving our quality of care and service. Our PAG inspires us to provide services that meet the needs of our community. This group has a specific focus on patient engagement, customer service experience and the delivery of low-cost, high-quality multidisciplinary care.

Blackstone Valley Patient Advisory Group

The Patient Advisory Group meets monthly and allows patients and families to:

Want your voice to be heard?
Want to learn how to get MORE involved?
We need your feedback!

Join today?

Email us at or call (401) 312-9878.

Our next meeting Thursday September 12, 2024, 6:00pm - 7:00pm

A light dinner will be provided, and attendees will receive a $10 gift card.


Why you should join the BVCHC Patient Advisory Group!

Por qué debería unirse al Grupo Asesor de Pacientes de BVCHC!